Archives: July 2013

Set Any Number of Columns

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tristique tempus sollicitudin. Praesent a nisi mi. Pellentesque ligula nulla, consectetur id volutpat sed, porta quis quam. Curabitur vel libero mi, ac rhoncus turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque quis erat eget ante aliquet porttitor non elementum lectus. Nam dapibus elit non ligula...

Study shows exercise can reduce violence in young girls

A new study by Columbia University has found a direct correlation between regular exercise and decreased violent activity in adolescent girls. These findings could provide some new insight into how to reduce violence amongst young girls. The study used data from a 2008 survey that included 1,312 students at four...

What to do if you witness a fight

If you’ve ever encountered a fight before, you’ve probably been filled with conflicting emotions and hard questions. Do you try to break it up by getting between the parties? Do you call the police? Do you just walk away from something that is obviously none of your business? Or should...